Pet rodents

Discover the fascinating world of rodents: breeds, care and peculiarities in our specialized tokens. Become an expert caregiver by exploring detailed information about each type.

Rodents pets

Exploring the fascinating world of pet rodents leads to a surprising diversity:


  • Care: They need spacious cages, exercise wheels, and a balanced diet of pellets and fresh vegetables. It is essential to provide them with enough nesting material.
  • With Children: They require careful interaction and supervision, as they can be shy and prone to stress.
  • Longevity: Approximately 2 to 3 years.

Guinea pigs:

  • Care: They demand ample space, fresh hay as a fundamental part of their diet, and a variety of fresh vegetables. They are socially active and enjoy toys in their environment.
  • With Children: They are generally affectionate and tolerant, which makes them suitable for families with children.
  • Longevity: About 5 to 7 years.

Dwarf rabbits:

  • Care: They need large cages for jumping and running, a balanced diet that includes fresh hay, and toys for mental stimulation. Socially active, they enjoy the company of other rabbits.
  • With Children: They are usually sociable, although they need gentle handling and supervision.
  • Longevity: 7 to 10 years.


  • Care: Demand large cages, toys for mental stimulation, and constant socialization. They are smart and benefit from training.
  • With Children: Friendly and intelligent, they are suitable with supervision.
  • Longevity: About 2 to 3 years.


  • Care: Environments enriched with materials for digging, sand for baths, and a balanced diet. They are social animals that prefer the company of other gerbils.
  • With Children: Appropriate with supervision, although they can be quick and gentle.
  • Longevity: 3 to 5 years.


  • Care: Spaces for jumping and running, a diet that includes fresh hay, and toys to prevent boredom. They appreciate the company of other rabbits.
  • With Children: Sociable, but need to be handled with care.
  • Longevity: 7 to 12 years.


  • Care: They need spaces to climb, a varied and balanced diet. Observing them in the wild is preferable to keeping them as pets, as their adaptation to captivity can be complicated.
  • With Children: Not recommended as pets for children.
  • Longevity: Varies by species.

Each species has unique needs and characteristics. For detailed information on care, please see our dedicated care sheets.


Discover everything about guinea pigs in our cards: food, care and more. Become an expert to ensure your well-being!


Find out all about hamsters: care, habitats and more in our specialized sheets. Become an expert to ensure the well-being of your little companion. Explore now!


Explore the magical world of rabbits with our specialized tokens. Get to know each breed, discover their essential care, and learn fun facts. Make your guinea pig experience an educational adventure!


Find out all about squirrel care, habitats and more in our specialist sheets. Become an expert to ensure the well-being of your little companion. Explore now!


Explore care, habitats and more about gerbils in our specialized cards. Become an expert to ensure the well-being of your little partner. Find out now!


Find out all about pet rat care and habitats in our factsheets. Become an expert to ensure the well-being of your little companion. Explore now!

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