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Brushtail Gerbil (Sekeetamys calurus)

Brushtail Gerbil (Sekeetamys calurus)

The Brush-tailed Gerbil (Sekeetamys calurus) is native to the vast desert regions of Africa, especially Egypt and Sudan. These fascinating medium-sized rodents stand out for their unique characteristics.

Its size ranges from 12 to 15 cm, complemented by a tail of 10 to 12 cm. The fur, soft and dense, usually exhibits light shades to camouflage itself in its natural habitat. Herbivores by nature, their diet consists mainly of seeds, herbs and fresh vegetables, requiring proper nutritional balance.

In terms of breeding, these gerbils are social and easily adapt to captive breeding, with litters of 4 to 6 offspring. Keeping them in captivity demands a spacious habitat with substrate to dig and objects to chew on. Its temperature must be controlled, replicating its native climate.

Behaviorally, these rodents are nocturnal and active, enjoying digging tunnels and building nests during the day. Their paintbrush-like tail helps them keep their balance as they move. Coat shades can vary between brown, beige, and white, with some individuals exhibiting additional patterns.

As pets, Brushtail Gerbils are sociable and prefer the company of their peers. Regular interaction and an environment enriched with hiding places and toys are crucial for their well-being. With proper care, these gerbils can live up to 5 years in captivity. Researching and providing an environment that meets your specific needs is essential to ensuring your happiness and longevity. Brushtail Gerbil (Sekeetamys calurus)

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