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Conejo Rex

Conejo Rex

Rabbit Rex: Elegance and Smoothness in an Exceptional Fur

History and Origin: The Rex Rabbit is known for its unique fur and its origin dates back to France in the 20th century. It was first developed in the 1910 s by a French breeder named M. Gillet, who was looking to create a rabbit with a denser, smoother coat.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Rex Fur: The most distinctive feature of the Rex Rabbit is its rex fur, which is short, dense and extremely soft to the touch. Unlike other rabbits, the hairs keep the same length, which gives the rabbit a velvety appearance.
  • Compact Body: They have a compact, muscular body, with medium-length ears.

Behavior and Personality:

  • Calm and Friendly: Rex Rabbits are usually calm and friendly animals. They enjoy interaction with their owners and are suitable for homes with children.
  • Curious: They are curious by nature and enjoy exploring their surroundings.

Care and Food:

  • Balanced Diet: Its diet should consist of high-quality hay, specific pellets for rabbits and moderate portions of fresh vegetables.
  • Fresh Water: They must have constant access to fresh and clean water.
  • Fur Care: Despite its short fur, fur care is important. Brushing them gently helps to remove loose hair and maintain skin health.

Reproduction and Breeding:

  • Gestation and litter: The gestation of a female Rex lasts approximately 31 days, and litters typically consist of 6-8 young. The young are born with their eyes closed and no hair, developing their characteristic fur as they grow.


  • Hypoallergenic Fur: Rex Rabbits fur is often considered to be hypoallergenic, as they produce less dandruff than some other breeds.
  • Variety of Colors: The Rex are available in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

Rabbit Rex as a Pet:

  • Comfortable atmosphere: They need a comfortable environment with room to move and explore.
  • Toys and Enrichment: Provide them with toys and enrichment elements to keep your mind active.
  • Veterinary Control: They should undergo regular veterinary check-ups to ensure their health and prevent problems.

Rex Rabbit Colors: Rex Rabbits are available in a wide range of colors and patterns, including black, blue, chocolate, lilac, chestnut, and many more. The variety of colors makes this breed highly regarded in the world of exhibits and as pets.

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