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Guinea Pig Skinny Pig Guide

Guinea Pig Skinny Pig Guide

Skinny Pig Cobaya: Delicate Nudity in the World of Cobayas

Origin and History: The Skinny Pig is a variant of the guinea pig that is characterized by its lack of fur, except for a few locks on the head and legs. These friendly rodents were developed in laboratories and hatcheries through selective breeding in search of the mutation that led to hair loss.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Partial nudity: Although they lack most of their fur, some Skinny Pigs may have a little hair on their heads and legs.
  • Sensitive Skin: Due to the lack of hair, your skin is more sensitive and susceptible to sunburn, so it is recommended to avoid direct exposure to the sun.
  • Various Skin Colors: Although they do not have a wide variety of coat colors, their skin colors can range from light pink to dark gray.

Care and Environment:

  • Solar Protection: Given their sensitive skin, it is crucial to protect them from direct sunlight and provide them with adequate shade.
  • Warm Environment: Having no fur to keep warm, make sure you maintain a warm ambient temperature for your comfort.
  • Occasional Baths: Having no hair that absorbs natural oils, some owners choose to bathe them occasionally, using soft, animal-safe products.

Reproduction and Breeding:

  • Gestation and Childbirth: The gestation period of a Skinny Pig guinea pig is approximately 68 days, and they usually give birth to litters of 2 to 4 young.
  • Postpartum Care: The young are born with their eyes open and are ready to start exploring soon after childbirth.

Behavior and Socialization:

  • Sociables: Skinny Pigs are social animals that enjoy the company of others of their kind.
  • Affective: They are often very affectionate and enjoy playing time and interaction with their owners.
  • Playbacks: They like to play, and providing them with toys and enriching activities is beneficial to their well-being.


  • Additional coat required: Due to a lack of fur, some owners choose to provide them with sweaters or blankets to keep them warm, especially in cooler weather.
  • Diversity in Skin Colors: Although they usually have pink skin, some may have darker skin tones or patterns.

Health and Longevity:

  • Skin Checks: Since they do not have fur to hide skin problems, regular skin check-ups are essential for detecting any problem in time.
  • Average Life: With proper care, Skinny Pigs can live between 5 and 7 years.

Contributing to their Happiness: Provide them with a balanced diet, a warm and enriched environment, accompanied by other rodents, and sun protection to guarantee their well-being and happiness.

Skinny Pigs, with their unique appearance and sensitive skin, are charming additions to the world of guinea pigs. Their need for additional care, especially in terms of sun protection and temperature, makes their care a special commitment. However, many homeowners find the sweetness and playful personality of these hairless rodents to be rewards enough. Skinny pig pig.

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