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Siamese rat (Rattus norvegicus) Guide

Siamese rat (Rattus norvegicus) Guide

Siamese Rat (Rattus norvegicus):

History and Distribution: The Siamese rat is a color variant of the domestic rat (Rattus norvegicus). Domestic rats, including Siamese rats, originated in Asia and were domesticated more than 1,000 years ago. Through selection and selective breeding, various color and pattern variants have been developed in domestic rats.

Physical Description: Siamese rats have a distinctive color pattern that features darker coloration in the region of the head, shoulders and upper body, with a gradual transition to a lighter color on the underside and legs. They have large, rounded ears, long tails and slender bodies.

Behavior and Habits: Domestic rats, including Siamese rats, are social animals and are recommended to be kept in groups to prevent loneliness. They are intelligent, curious and adaptable. They are active during the night and twilight, enjoying exploration and play.

Diet: They are omnivorous and can eat a variety of foods. A balanced diet for rats includes specific pellets for rats, fruits, fresh vegetables, grains and protein. It is important to avoid foods rich in fats and sugars.

Reproduction and Parenting: Gestation in rats lasts approximately 21-23 days, and they can have litters of 6 to 12 young. The pups are altricial at birth and are completely dependent on the mother for food and care. It is recommended to separate males from females if you do not want to breed more rats.

Care as a Pet:

  • Cage: Provide a large enough cage with levels, toys and places to hide.
  • Power supply: Offer a balanced diet and make sure they have constant access to fresh water.
  • Socialization: Rats are social animals and enjoy interaction with their owners.
  • Vet: It is essential to have access to a veterinarian specializing in small and exotic animals.


  • Siamese rats are known for their color pattern similar to that of Siamese cats, with darker limbs and lighter body.
  • They are popular pets because of their loving nature, intelligence and distinctive appearance.

Colors and Variations: Siamese rats have a darker coloration on the head, shoulders and upper body, with a gradual transition to a lighter color on the underside and legs. In addition to the Siamese pattern, domestic rats can have a wide range of colors and patterns.

In short, Siamese rats are an attractive and popular color variant among domestic rats. They are beloved pets for their loving and playful nature, and with proper care, they can provide companionship and joy to their owners during their lifetime, which is usually two to three years. Siamese Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

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