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Red-bellied Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)

Red-bellied Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)

Red-bellied Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus):

History and Distribution: The red-bellied squirrel, also known as the North American red squirrel or Hudson's squirrel, is native to North America. Its natural habitat extends from Alaska and Canada to the western regions of the United States and parts of Mexico.

Physical Description: This squirrel is medium-sized, with dense, soft fur. Their dorsal coloration ranges from brown to black, and they have a characteristic bright orange or red belly. The tail is hairy and may have a white border. They have pointed ears and large eyes.

Behavior and Habits: Red-bellied squirrels are active, diurnal animals. They are known for their agility and climbing skills, and are able to jump considerable distances between branches. They usually live in wooded areas and prefer habitats with tall trees.

Diet: The red-bellied squirrel's diet includes a variety of foods, such as nuts, seeds, fruits, shoots, tree bark, and sometimes insects. They are especially known for their habit of storing and hiding food for the winter.

Breeding and Breeding: The breeding season usually occurs in the spring and early summer. Females give birth to litters of two to five young after a gestation period of about 40 days. The pups are born blind and hairless, and depend on the mother for their care.

Captive Care: Red-bellied squirrels are not recommended pets. They are wild animals with specific needs and do not adapt well to life in captivity. Additionally, in many places it may be illegal to keep red-bellied squirrels as pets due to wildlife regulations.


  • These squirrels are known for their territorial aggressiveness and can actively defend their areas against other squirrels.
  • They have a distinctive vocalization that includes squeals and grunts to communicate with other squirrels.

Colors and Variations: The most distinctive feature of the red-bellied squirrel is its bright red belly. Dorsal coloration can range from shades of brown to black, and some individuals may have a white patch on the top of the muzzle.

In summary, the red-bellied squirrel is an active and adaptable species found in North America. Its playful behavior and striking coloration make this squirrel an interesting species to observe in its natural environment. However, as wild animals, they should be respected in their natural habitat and should not be considered pets.

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