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Winter White (Phodopus sungorus) Hamster

Winter White (Phodopus sungorus) Hamster

Winter White (Phodopus sungorus): Exploring the Sweetness of Winter's White Dwarves Hamsters

Origin and History: The Winter White hamster, also known as the Siberian dwarf hamster, comes from the cold regions of Mongolia and Siberia. They were first discovered in 1773.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Size and Weight: Winter White hamsters are small, with a length of 7-10 cm and a typical weight of 30-50 grams.
  • Fur: Adapted to the Siberian winter, their fur changes from brown in summer to white in winter.

Care and Environment:

  • Habitat: They prefer spacious cages with hiding places and climbing places.
  • Substrate: It uses wood or paper shavings to provide a comfortable bed.
  • Power supply: It offers a balanced diet with pellets, seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Reproduction and Breeding:

  • Gestation: Gestation lasts around 18-25 days, and litters can range from 4 to 7 young.
  • Independence: Winter White hamsters are weaned around 3-4 weeks.

Behavior and Socialization:

  • Socialization: They may live alone or in pairs, but the introduction of two hamsters should be done with caution.
  • Activity Level: They are nocturnal creatures and enjoy exploration and exercise.
  • Games: Provide toys and exercise wheels to keep them active.


  • Fur Change: Their fur changes color depending on the season, blending into the snow in winter.
  • Sociable Behavior: Unlike other hamsters, Winter White tends to be more tolerant of his cage mates.

Health and Longevity:

  • Dental Care: Provide toys to ggle to prevent dental problems.
  • Longevity: They have a life expectancy of approximately 1.5 to 2.5 years.

Contributing to their Happiness: Maintain a stimulating environment with toys, wheels and tunnels. Interact with them gently and give them a balanced diet.

Winter White hamsters are charming and noted for their ability to change fur depending on the season, making them fascinating and adorable pets.

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