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Rabbit Angora Guia

Rabbit Angora Guia

Angora Rabbit: Elegance and Smoothness in a Special Pet

History and Origin: The Angora Rabbit is an ancient breed that originated in Turkey, specifically in the Ankara region (formerly known as Angora), hundreds of years ago. They were introduced to Europe in the 18th century and selectively bred to develop their distinctive long, silky fur.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Exceptional Fur: Its most prominent feature is its long, soft, silky coat, which can grow up to 25 centimeters in length.
  • Fallen Ears: They have floppy ears and big eyes that contribute to their lovely looks.
  • Variety of Colors: They come in a wide range of colors, including white, black, gray, hazelnut and more.

Behavior and Personality:

  • Tranquility: They tend to be calm and docile, enjoying the quiet time.
  • Sociables: They are social animals that appreciate the company of human and other rabbits.
  • Brushing Needs: Because of their long coat, they require regular brushing to prevent tangles and mats.

Care and Food:

  • Balanced Diet: Their diet should include good quality hay, specific pellets for rabbits and moderate portions of fresh vegetables.
  • Common brushing: Frequent brushing is essential to prevent the fur from becoming entangled and forming mats.
  • Veterinary Control: They require regular veterinary check-ups and special attention to their teeth, as Angora rabbits are prone to dental problems.

Reproduction and Breeding:

  • Gestation and Care of the Babies: The gestation lasts approximately 28-31 days, and the young should be cared for with special attention to their health and development.


  • Use of your Wool: Angora wool is used for the manufacture of sweaters and accessories, and sometimes, owners of coney pets use their wool for spinning and knitting.
  • Participation in Exhibitions: Angora rabbits often participate in exhibitions of rabbits due to the beauty of their fur.

Rabbit Angora as a Pet:

  • Attention to your Fur: Your coat requires special attention, and regular brushing is key to keeping you healthy.
  • Safe Environment: They need a safe and clean environment to avoid getting their long fur dirty.
  • Caresses and Mimos: They enjoy caresses and quality time with their owners.

Collaborating in their Happiness: With proper care, Angora rabbits can become loving, elegant pets noted for their beautiful fur and gentle personality.

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