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Squirrel Malabar (Funambulus tristriatus)

Squirrel Malabar (Funambulus tristriatus)

Squirrel Malabar (Funambulus tristriatus):

History and Distribution: The Malabar squirrel, also known as the three-banded striped squirrel, is endemic to the Western Ghats region of southwestern India. This species is mainly found in tropical forests and wooded areas of the region.

Physical Description: Malabar squirrels are medium in size and have a soft, dense coat. Its dorsal coloration is generally a shade of brown or gray, and is characterized by three distinctive stripes on the back that may be black or of a shade darker than the surrounding fur. They have a long, hairy tail, small ears and large eyes.

Behavior and Habits: These squirrels are diurnal and are known to be agile tree climber. They are social animals and are often found in groups. Their active and playful behavior makes them remarkable in their natural habitat.

Diet: The diet of the squirrel Malabar includes a variety of foods, such as fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouts, and occasionally insects. They are known for their ability to manipulate objects with their forelegs and to open fruit and nuts.

Reproduction and Parenting: The breeding season may vary, but it usually occurs during the rainy season. Females give birth to litters of two to three young after a gestation period of about one month. The young are altriciales at birth and depend on the mother for feeding and care.

Care in Captivity: As with many squirrels and wild animals, Malabar squirrels should not be kept as pets. They have specific needs that are difficult to satisfy in captivity, and in many places, the possession of wild species can be regulated or illegal.


  • Malabar squirrels are known for their ability to jump surprising distances between trees.
  • They are alert and vigilant animals, and they emit vocalizations to communicate with other members of the group.

Colors and Variations: The dorsal fur of the Malabar squirrel may vary in shades of brown and gray, while the three distinctive stripes on the back may be black or darker than the surrounding fur.

In short, the Malabar squirrel is a charming and distinctive species that inhabits the tropical forests of southwestern India. Its role in the ecosystem and its active and playful behavior make it an important part of the region's biodiversity. However, it is crucial to respect their natural habitat and not try to keep them as pets. Squirrel Malabar (Funambulus tristriatus)

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