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Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus)

Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus)

Chinese Hamster (Cricetulus griseus): Discovering the Adorable Essence of Dwarf Hamsters

Origin and History: The Chinese hamster, also known as the dwarf hamster, is native to the Mongolian desert and northern China. These small rodents have become popular pets around the world due to their docile nature and compact size.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Size and Weight: Chinese hamsters are smaller compared to other species, measuring around 8–10 centimeters and weighing between 30–50 grams.
  • Colors: Their fur is dense and can vary in colors from shades of gray and brown to pearly white.

Care and Environment:

  • Habitat: They adapt well to wire cages with platforms and tunnels. Make sure the cage bars are not too far apart to prevent escapes.
  • Substrate: Provides a layer of wood or paper shavings to allow for digging and nest building.
  • Diet: Their diet should consist of hamster-specific pellets, seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Reproduction and Breeding:

  • Gestation: Gestation lasts approximately 18–21 days, and litters typically have between 3–8 pups.
  • Independence: Chinese hamsters are relatively independent and can separate from the mother at around 3–4 weeks.

Behavior and Socialization:

  • Sociability: Although they tolerate the presence of other hamsters, it is advisable to keep them alone to avoid fights.
  • Nocturnal Activity: They are primarily nocturnal, showing more activity during the night.
  • Escapists: They can be skilled escapists, so make sure their cage is secure.


  • Longevity: They have a life expectancy of approximately 2-3 years.
  • Storers: They are known to store food in their cheeks and nests.

Health and Longevity:

  • Obesity: Control their diet to prevent obesity, as they are prone to weight gain.
  • Dental Problems: Provide them with chewing toys to keep their teeth healthy.

Contributing to Your Happiness: Providing toys, exercise wheels, and tubes to explore will encourage environmental enrichment. The Chinese hamster will appreciate the gentle interaction and the constant provision of fresh and varied food.

These small dwarf hamsters are not only lovely pets but also fascinating life companions. Their curious nature and playful demeanor make them a popular choice among those looking for a smaller-sized furry friend.

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