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Guinea Pig Teddy (Rex) Guide

Guinea Pig Teddy (Rex) Guide

Guinea Pig Teddy (Rex): Discovering the Furry Sweetness of a Special Breed

Origin and History: The Teddy guinea pig, also known as the Rex guinea pig, is a breed that has captivated rodent lovers with its unique coat and charming personality. Although its specific origin is unclear, the Rex variant of the coat is thought to have arisen from genetic mutations in standard guinea pigs.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Wavy and Dense Coat: The most distinctive feature of the Teddy Guinea Pig is its wavy, dense coat, which gives it a furry and soft appearance.
  • Variety of Colors: They can be found in a wide range of colors and patterns, from solid to tri-color.

Care and Environment:

  • Minimal Brushing: Unlike other breeds that may require regular brushing, the Teddy Guinea Pig needs less maintenance thanks to its shorter, denser coat.
  • Balanced Diet: Provide them with a diet rich in hay, high-quality pellets, and a variety of fresh vegetables to ensure proper nutrition.
  • Warm Environment: Given their shorter coat, it is important to keep their environment at a comfortable temperature.

Reproduction and Breeding:

  • Gestation and Calving: Gestation lasts about 59–72 days, and litters typically have 2–4 pups.
  • Postpartum Care: The mother takes care of her young, which are born with open eyes and fur.

Behavior and Socialization:

  • Docility: Teddy guinea pigs are often known for their docile nature and friendly disposition.
  • Socialization: They enjoy the company of other guinea pigs and interaction with their owners.
  • Daytime Activity: They are diurnal animals and enjoy activity during the day.


  • Exceptional Coat: Their unique, soft, wavy coat makes them especially popular with those looking for pets with a distinctive texture.
  • Playful Personality: They often display playful behaviors, exploring their surroundings and enjoying interactive toys.

Health and Longevity:

  • Require Dental Checkups: Although their coat is shorter, they should still receive regular dental checkups, as dental problems can affect all guinea pig breeds.
  • Average Lifespan: With proper care, they can live between 5 and 7 years.

Contributing to Their Happiness: Provide them with a balanced diet, a comfortable environment, regular social interaction, and opportunities for play and exploration.

Teddy guinea pigs are charming and adorable pets that often win the hearts of those looking for furry companions with a unique look and personality. By integrating a Teddy guinea pig into your life, you are inviting a loving and gentle companion who is sure to make you happy with their presence. Cobaya Teddy (Rex)

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