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Conejo Flemish Giant Guia

Conejo Flemish Giant Guia

Flemish Giant Rabbit: Giant and Apacible, the Giant of Rabbits

History and Origin: The Flemish Giant Rabbit, also known as the Flemish Giant, traces its roots to Belgium, specifically the Flanders region. It was initially raised in the 16th century as a breed of meat and skins. Its impressive size makes it one of the largest rabbits in the world.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Large Size: They are remarkably large, reaching weights ranging from 6 to 14 kilograms, depending on variety and sex.
  • Long Ears: They have long, erect ears, and their bodies are proportionate and muscular.
  • Variety of Colors: They come in a variety of colors, including gray, black, blue, white, among others.

Behavior and Personality:

  • Easy: Despite their size, they are known to be gentle, gentle rabbits.
  • Sociables: They are social animals that enjoy human company and other rabbits.
  • Workouts: They can train to use a sandbox and perform certain tricks.

Care and Food:

  • Balanced Diet: Their diet should include good quality hay, specific pellets for rabbits and moderate portions of fresh vegetables.
  • Enough Space: They require ample space to live and move comfortably due to their large size.
  • Dental Care: Like other rabbits, they need regular dental care and access to objects to gnae.

Reproduction and Breeding:

  • Gestation and Care of the Babies: Gestation lasts approximately 31 days, and the young are cared for by the mother until they are independent.


  • Guinness Record: Some Flemish Giants have won the title of the world's greatest rabbit in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • Utilization: Originally bred for meat and skins, today, many are pets and some even participate in competitions.

Flemish Giant Rabbit as a Pet:

  • Requires Space: Due to their size, they need a large and comfortable area to live.
  • Brushing Needs: Your coat needs to be brushed regularly to avoid tangles and skin problems.

Collaborating in their Happiness: With a proper environment and constant care, the Flemish Giant can become an exceptionally friendly and caring pet, despite its imposing size.

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