Dog Breeds

Find out what a breed of dogs is, how many breeds of dogs there are in the world and read the complete information of your favorite breeds, in the files that we have dedicated to each one.

Dog Breeds

What Defines a Dog Breed?

A breed of dog is not simply a group of animals with similar physical characteristics; It is a community united by distinctive traits in both its appearance and behavior.

How many dog breeds are there?

Currently, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale officially recognizes 344 dog breeds, although it is estimated that the actual number could exceed 400 worldwide.

The FCI plays a crucial role in recognising and classifying new breeds, setting standards and ensuring they are respected. Their work includes avoiding deviations, such as reducing minimum weights that could result in dogs that are too small or fragile.

Canine Size Classification:

Dog breeds are divided into groups according to their weight, providing a clear guide to understanding their dimensions. Here are the four officially recognized groups:

  • Small Dogs: 3 to 10 kilos.
  • Medium dogs: 10 to 25 kilos.
  • Large Dogs: 25 to 50 kilos.
  • Giant Dogs: More than 50 kilos.

Not only does this classification offer insight into physical dimensions, but it also helps dog lovers choose a breed that suits their lifestyle and preferences.

See breeds


Find out all the information about dog breeds, how many dog breeds there are in the world and read the complete information about your favorite breeds, in the sheets that we have dedicated to each one.

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