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Rasbora Lambchop (Trigonostigma espei): Exploring Beauty and Vitality

Rasbora Lambchop (Trigonostigma espei): Exploring Beauty and Vitality

Rasbora Lambchop (Trigonostigma espei): Exploring Beauty and Vitality

Water Type: Lambchop Rasboras are freshwater fish that thrive in tropical conditions. They prefer mild to moderately hard waters with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. The ideal water temperature should be maintained in the range of 23 °C to 28 °C.

Aquarium Size: For a group of Lambchop Rasboras, an aquarium of at least 60 liters is recommended. They like to swim in groups, and a well-planted aquarium with shaded areas and hiding places will provide a comfortable environment.


  1. Power supply: They are omnivorous and accept flake foods, pellets and live or frozen foods. A varied diet ensures that they receive the essential nutrients for their health and coloring.

  2. Behavior and Compatibility: Lambchop Rasboras are peaceful and get along well with other species of similar size. Keeping them in groups of at least six individuals encourages natural behaviors and reduces stress.

Possible Diseases:

  1. Ich (White Point): As with many fish, Lambchop Rasboras are susceptible to diseases such as Ich. Maintaining a clean environment and monitoring aquarium health can prevent disease.

  2. Swimming Problems: They can be affected by diseases that affect the swimming bladder. A balanced diet and proper environment help prevent these problems.

Colors and Distinguishing Features:

  1. Unique Color Pattern: They are distinguished by their unique color pattern, which includes a dark band along their body and a teardrop-like spot resembling a "chop" in the area of the body near the caudal fin.

  2. Vibrant Coloring: They feature vibrant colors that vary between shades of orange, yellow and green depending on their mood and surroundings.

History and Origin: Originally from Thailand, the Lambchop Rasboras (Trigonostigma espei) are a treasure for aquarium fans. They were discovered in the Thailand region and have gained popularity due to their colorful appeal and lively demeanor.

Fascinating Curiosities:

  1. Behavior Lights Game: During certain times of the day, it is possible for the Lambchop Rasboras to change their colors, displaying a more vibrant palette during their more active periods.

  2. Spawning and Courtship: During courtship, males can display more intense colors and hold displays to impress females. Spawning usually occurs in shady places.

Size and Approximate Weight: The Lambchop Rasboras are small, with a length generally ranging from 3 to 4 centimeters. Weight varies, but they are light fish compared to larger species.

Reproduction: Captive breeding can be achieved by providing an enabling environment with suitable plants and shadows. Parents do not exhibit significant parental care, so eggs must be removed for separate incubation.

Contributing to the Beauty of the Aquarium: With their vibrant coloring and lively behavior, the Lambchop Rasboras add vitality and beauty to any community aquarium. Providing them with an environment that reflects their natural habitat and caters to their specific needs will ensure their well-being and continued enjoyment in the aquarium.

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