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Angel Fish Scalare Pinocchio (Pterophyllum altum var. Altum): Exploring Vertical Elegance

Angel Fish Scalare Pinocchio (Pterophyllum altum var. Altum): Exploring Vertical Elegance

Angel Fish Scalare Pinocchio (Pterophyllum altum var. Altum): Exploring Vertical Elegance

Water Type: The Angel Scalare Pinocchio Fish, variants of Pterophyllum altum, are freshwater inhabitants. They prefer an environment with slightly acidic to neutral water and usually thrive in a pH range between 6.0 and 7.0. The water temperature should be maintained between 25 °C and 30 °C.

Aquarium Size: Due to its impressive size, a spacious aquarium is recommended for Angel Fish Scalare Pinocchio. A tank of at least 200 liters is advisable to provide them with enough space to swim and explore.


  1. Power supply: They are omnivorous and accept a varied diet. They can be fed high-quality flake food, pellets, and must be provided with live or frozen food occasionally to meet their nutritional needs.

  2. Behavior and Compatibility: Although generally peaceful, they can become territorial during the breeding season. Tank mates that are compatible and not too small should be selected to avoid aggression problems.

Possible Diseases:

  1. Parasitic Diseases: Like other fish, they are susceptible to parasitic diseases. A clean environment and quarantine of new fish can help prevent the spread.

  2. Fins Problems: Angel Fish can be prone to fin problems, especially if kept in inadequate water conditions. Monitoring your general health, including fins, is essential.

Colors and Distinguishing Features:

  1. Elongated Fins: The Pinocchio variety is characterized by its long and elegant fins, which can extend beyond the length of the body, giving them a majestic appearance.

  2. Elegant Coloring: They have a varied coloration, with patterns including stripes and spots in shades of silver, black and silver. Coloring can be intensified during the breeding season.

History and Origin: Native to South America, the Angel Scalare Pinocchio Fish are native to the rivers and streams of the Orinoco River basin in Venezuela and Colombia. Its name "Pinocchio" refers to the elongated fins that recall the nose of the famous tale character.

Fascinating Curiosities:

  1. Courtship Ritual: During the courtship, the Angel Scalare Pinocchio Fish perform a beautiful water ballet. Males and females swim spirally together before egg-laying.

  2. Careful Parents: After laying eggs, parents are notable for their parental care. They protect and care for eggs until they hatch, and also care for newborn young.

Size and Approximate Weight: Angel Scalare Pinocchio Fish can grow to considerable sizes, with lengths ranging from 15 to 20 centimeters. Weight varies according to age and environment conditions.

Reproduction: Breeding can be triggered by a change in water conditions and the introduction of a suitable place for egg laying. Parents will care for and protect eggs and young after hatching.

Vertical Elegance in the Aquarium: The Scalare Pinocchio Angel Fish add a vertical elegance to the aquarium with their distinctive fins and graceful behavior. Providing an environment that reflects your natural origin and caters to your specific needs will ensure a healthy and vibrant life in the aquarium.

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