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Mirror Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha): Exploring Aquatic Beauty

Mirror Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha): Exploring Aquatic Beauty

Mirror Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha): Exploring Aquatic Beauty

Water Type: Native to Southeast Asia, Mirror Rasbora thrives in slightly acidic to neutral waters with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. They prefer soft water, but adapt well to different conditions.

Temperature: Maintaining a constant temperature of 23 to 27°C reflects its natural habitat. Avoiding abrupt changes in temperature is key to your well-being.

Aquarium Size: For these small, vibrant rasboras, an aquarium of at least 60 liters is ideal. They love to swim in groups, so keeping them in groups of at least six encourages their natural behavior.

Care and Behavior: Mirror Rasboras are peaceful and benefit from an environment enriched with plants and shaded areas. A varied diet, including live or frozen foods, contributes to your health.

Possible Diseases: Maintaining a clean environment and providing adequate nutrition helps prevent disease. Monitoring for signs of parasitic infections and maintaining water quality is essential.

Colors and Varieties: With their characteristic "mirror" pattern on the body, these rasboras exhibit vibrant shades of red and black. Its elongated dorsal fin adds grace to its appearance.

History and Origin: Native to Thailand and Malaysia, Mirror Rasboras have been prized in aquariums for decades. Its popularity is due to its lively demeanor and attractive appearance.


  1. Gregarious behavior: They are social fish and enjoy the company of their species. Keeping them in groups fosters their well-being and reveals their playful behavior.
  2. Display of Colors: The coloration of Mirror Rasboras intensifies during social interactions and feeding time, providing a captivating visual spectacle.

Weight and Size: With an adult size of approximately 5 centimeters, these rasboras bring vibrancy and color to community aquariums, making them a charming focal point.

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