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Betta imbellis: Exploring Aquatic Elegance

Betta imbellis: Exploring Aquatic Elegance

Betta imbellis: Exploring Aquatic Elegance

Water Type: The Betta imbellis, native to the fresh waters of Southeast Asia, prefer slightly acidic to neutral environments with an optimal pH between 6.0 and 7.5. They adapt well to different water hardness, but quality is essential.

Temperature: Maintaining a temperature between 24 and 28 °C replicates your natural conditions and promotes your health. Avoiding sharp temperature fluctuations is crucial to your well-being.

Aquarium Size: For these unique beauty fish, an aquarium of at least 20 liters is recommended. Providing hideouts and places to explore recreates their habitat and contributes to their well-being.

Care and Behavior: Betta imbellis are known for their peaceful behavior compared to other Betta varieties. Still, they benefit from an environment enriched with plants and hiding places. A balanced and varied diet is essential for your health.

Possible Diseases: Monitoring water quality and maintaining a healthy diet helps prevent common diseases. Betta imbellis are susceptible to diseases such as fin rot, so it is vital to maintain a clean environment.

Colors and Varieties: With colors ranging from muted tones to vibrant, these Bettas feature splendid fins. Red, blue and green tones are common, adding a touch of exoticism to your aquarium.

History and Origin: Originally from Thailand and Malaysia, the Betta imbellis have long been appreciated for their beauty. Its history as aquarium fish dates back several decades.


  1. Wild Ancestrum: They are close relatives of the Betta splendens, but unlike their cousins, the Betta imbellis have retained more natural behaviors and require less care.
  2. Mazes and Surface: Like other Bettas, they possess a maze, allowing them to take oxygen directly from the air. They appreciate open surfaces for breathing.

Weight and Size: With a typical size of 6 to 7 centimeters, these Bettas display their elegance in community aquariums, bringing a touch of sophistication and tranquility.

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