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Guppy Moscow (Poecilia reticulata): Exploring Beauty and Elegance in Miniature

Guppy Moscow (Poecilia reticulata): Exploring Beauty and Elegance in Miniature

Guppy Moscow (Poecilia reticulata): Exploring Beauty and Elegance in Miniature

Water Type: Moscow guppies, like other guppies, are freshwater fish. They adapt well to a wide variety of water conditions, but prefer temperatures between 24 °C and 28 °C. The ideal pH is in the range of 6.8 to 7.8, and the water hardness can range from mild to moderate.

Aquarium Size: To maintain a small community of Moscow guppies, an aquarium of at least 20 liters is recommended. They like to have space to swim and explore, and the presence of living plants and shelters provides an enriched environment.


  1. Power supply: They are omnivorous and accept a variety of foods. They can be fed scales, pellets, live foods such as mosquito larvae and daphnia, and plant foods such as spinach.

  2. Behavior and Compatibility: Moscow guppies are peaceful, sociable fish that get along with other community fish species. Avoid keeping them with larger fish that might consider them prey.

Possible Diseases:

  1. Lateral Line Disease: This disease, which affects the lateral line system, can occur in poor water conditions. Maintaining good water quality is essential to prevent it.

  2. White Point (Ich): Another common disease. Stress and inadequate water conditions can trigger it.

Colors and Distinguishing Features:

  1. Vivid Coloring: Moscow guppies are known for their vibrant colors and unique patterns. The Moscow variety is characterized by intense colors, such as red, black and green, with a prominent dorsal fin.

  2. High Dorsal Fin: They have a distinctive dorsal fin that can be tall and showy, especially in males.

History and Origin: The Moscow variety is the result of decades of selective breeding. Their name comes from the city of Moscow, but they do not have a specific origin in Russia. They were developed for exhibits and are appreciated for their appeal.

Fascinating Curiosities:

  1. Selective Breeding: Selective breeding has led to the creation of different lines of Moscow guppies with variations in coloration and patterns.

  2. Vivacity and Agility: Guppies are known for their energy and agility in the aquarium. They like to swim in all layers of the water.

Size and Approximate Weight: Moscow guppies are small fish, with males generally smaller than females. Its average size is 3 to 4 centimeters.

Reproduction: Reproduction is easy in captivity. Guppies are viviviparous fish, meaning they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. The fry are small and can feed on finely crushed food.

Elegance in the Aquarium: With their dazzling coloration and lively demeanor, Moscow guppies are a charming addition to community aquariums. Maintaining optimal water conditions and providing a balanced diet will contribute to your health and longevity.

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