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Tiger Bearded (Puntigrus tetrazona): Exploring the Life of a Colorful Active Fish

Tiger Bearded (Puntigrus tetrazona): Exploring the Life of a Colorful Active Fish

Tiger Bearded (Puntigrus tetrazona): Exploring the Life of a Colorful Active Fish

Water Type: The bearded tiger, also known as the tiger tetra, is native to Asia, specifically rivers and streams in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. It prefers tropical waters with temperatures ranging between 24 °C and 28 °C. Although adaptable, they benefit from a slightly acidic to neutral pH and mild to moderate water hardness.

Aquarium Size: To maintain a group of tiger bearded men, an aquarium of at least 75 liters is recommended. They like to have space to swim and explore. The presence of plants and hiding places helps to recreate its natural environment.


  1. Power supply: They are omnivorous and accept a variety of foods. They can be fed with scales, pellets and live or frozen foods, such as mosquito larvae and daphnia.

  2. Behavior and Compatibility: Tiger bearded are active and sometimes territorial fish. They get along with other tetras and peaceful fish, but aggression can arise between them, especially if they feel threatened.

Possible Diseases:

  1. Ich (White Point): A common disease. Maintaining good water quality and avoiding stress helps prevent it.

  2. Parasitic Problems: Like any fish, tiger bearded men are susceptible to parasitic diseases. Observing signs of abnormal behavior or changes in appearance can help identify problems in time.

Colors and Distinguishing Features:

  1. Striped Pattern: Its characteristic tiger-striped pattern is the reason for its name. They feature prominent, dark stripes along their body.

  2. Sexual Dimorphism: Females tend to be slightly larger and rounder compared to males. In the breeding season, females may show a bulkier abdomen.

History and Origin: These fish have been popular in freshwater aquariums since the 1930 s. They have been selectively bred to bring out their unique colors and patterns.

Fascinating Curiosities:

  1. Playful Behavior: Tiger bearded men are known for their playful behavior. They like to explore and swim through the aquarium's plants and decorations.

  2. Filamentous Barbos: They have barbels at the front that are sensitive and they use to explore their surroundings for food.

Size and Approximate Weight: Tiger bearded are small fish that generally reach a length of 4 to 6 centimeters in captivity.

Reproduction: Breeding in captivity is possible. Tiger bearded people are egg spawners and benefit from the presence of live plants where they can lay their eggs.

Elegance in the Aquarium: With their distinctive striped pattern and active behavior, the tiger bearded men are a colorful and vibrant addition to well-tended community aquariums. Providing an environment that mimics your natural habitat is key to your well-being.

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