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Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia): Miniature Water Jewel

Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia): Miniature Water Jewel

Dwaro Gourami (Colisa lalia): Miniature Aquatic Gem

Water Type: Originally from Asia, the Dwarfish Gourami, also known as Colisa lalia, prefers mild to moderately hard waters. The ideal pH range is 6.0 to 7.0, and the water temperature should be maintained between 24 °C and 28 °C.

Aquarium Size: Although they are small fish, they benefit from an aquarium with a minimum volume of 40 liters. Providing hideouts and floating plants helps make them feel safe.


  1. Varied feed: They are omnivorous and accept dry, live and frozen food. Offering a balanced diet will contribute to your health and vibrant coloring.

  2. Escondites and Vegetation: They like to explore and hide. Providing areas with dense vegetation and hiding places helps them feel comfortable.

  3. Companions of Aquarius: Although generally peaceful, it avoids keeping them with aggressive fish or that are large swimmers. They are ideal for community aquariums with peaceful species.

Possible Diseases:

  1. Lateral Line Disease: It is a common disease that affects the Gouramis. It manifests with lateral line injuries and can be treated with specific medications.

  2. Ich (White Point): A parasitic disease that affects many aquarium fish. Maintaining good hygiene and salt treatment can help prevent and treat Ich.

Colors and Distinguishing Features:

  1. Vibrant Coloring: Males display more intense colors, with shades ranging from red to iridescent blue. Females are duller.

  2. Maze: Like other Gouramis, Dwarfs Gouramis have a maze that allows them to obtain oxygen directly from the air. They can take air from the surface.

History and Origin: Hailing from Bangladesh, India and Nepal, the Dwarfs Gouramis inhabit rice paddies and other still waters in the region. They have been popular in aquariums since the 1940 s.

Fascinating Curiosities:

  1. Labyrinthic Behavior: Their ability to breathe air allows them to live in low, stagnant waters where other fish might struggle.

  2. Courtship Ritual: The males perform an elaborate courtship ritual, showing off their bright colors and building bubble nests to impress the females.

Size and Approximate Weight: Dwarfs Gouramis are small, with an average length of 5 to 6 centimeters. Its weight is insignificant in terms of impact on an aquarium.

Reproduction: Reproduction involves a courtship ritual where males build bubble nests. After fertilization, females can lay eggs that are cared for and protected by males.

Remember that, although this is general data, the specific health and well-being of your fish may depend on the conditions of their environment and the care they receive.

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