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Comet Telescope Fish (Carassius auratus var. telescopic): Beauty in Motion

Comet Telescope Fish (Carassius auratus var. telescopic): Beauty in Motion

Comet Fish Telescope (Carassius auratus var. Telescopic): Beauty in Motion

Water Type: Originally from China, the Telescope Comet Fish is versatile in terms of water conditions. It can be adapted to waters ranging from slightly acidic to alkaline, with an ideal pH between 6.5 and 7.5. It prefers moderate temperatures, generally between 18 °C and 22 °C.

Aquarium Size: These fish need room to swim, especially considering their long fins and telescopic vision that can affect their ability to compete for food. An aquarium of at least 75 liters is recommended for a single specimen.


  1. Balanced Diet: They are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet. Provide them with quality foods, such as scales, pellets, fresh vegetables and live foods occasionally.

  2. Avoid Filous Objects: Because of their bulging eyes and long fins, it is crucial to avoid decorations or sharp stones that can damage them.

  3. Disease Surveillance: Telescope Comets are prone to common diseases in goldfish, such as fungal or parasite infections. Maintain a good quality of water and see any signs of disease.

Possible Diseases:

  1. Bubble Disease: They can develop bubbles under the skin, especially around the eyes. This can be caused by bacteria and requires treatment.

  2. Eye Problems: Their telescopic eyes are susceptible to infection and damage. Any swelling, cloudiness or change in behavior can indicate a problem.

Colors and Distinguishing Features:

  1. Telescopic Eyes: Its most distinctive feature is the presence of bulging eyes, which project outwards and can move independently.

  2. Long fins: They feature extremely long and fluid caudal and dorsal fins, which adds grace to their swim.

History and Origin: The Telescope Comet Fish is a variant of the common goldfish. They were selectively bred in China to develop their unique telescopic eyes and long fins. Although the exact date is uncertain, they are believed to have originated in the Tang Dynasty (618-907).

Fascinating Curiosities:

  1. Sense of the View: Their telescopic vision gives them a wider field of view and helps them detect food and predators more effectively.

  2. Longevity: With proper care, they can live up to 15 years or more in captivity.

Size and Approximate Weight: Telescope Comets reach variable sizes, but on average, they can grow up to 15-20 cm. Its weight depends on various factors, but it is around 100-200 grams at maturity.

Reproduction: Captive breeding can occur, but raising goldfish requires extra care and space. The female can release thousands of eggs, and the survival of the young depends on a suitable environment and proper feeding.

It is important to remember that the information provided is general and may vary depending on the specific conditions of the aquarium and the individual health of the fish.

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