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Corydora Píxel (Corydoras habrosus): Adorable Aquatic Minins

Corydora Píxel (Corydoras habrosus): Adorable Aquatic Minins

Corydora Píxel (Corydoras habrosus): Adorable Aquatic Minins

Water Type: Corydora habrosus prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. Keep the water hardness in the range of 2-15 dH.

Temperature: They perform better at temperatures between 20 °C and 26 °C.

Aquarium Size: Although small, an aquarium of at least 40 liters is appropriate for a group of them. They like their own kind of company.

Care: They are omnivores. Provide them with a varied diet that includes dry and live foods. They prefer soft substrate as they like to stir for food.

Possible Diseases: It monitors the quality of the water and prevents sudden changes to prevent diseases. They are generally resilient.

Colors and Varieties: They possess a distinctive pattern on their body, with black spots on a light background. Their small size and playful demeanor make them charming.

History and Origin: Originally from South America, they are found in rivers of Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil.


  1. Sociable Behavior: They like to swim in groups and explore the bottom of the aquarium.
  2. Cleaning Careers: They contribute to keeping the substrate clean by removing food debris and detritus.
  3. Small spouts: Although they are not difficult to breed, care is needed for the development of their eggs.

Weight and Size: They reach a length of about 3 centimeters. Their small size, active behavior and easy care make them favorites among community aquarium buffs.

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