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Fimifish Aphyosemion australe: Beauty and Liveliness in the Aquarium

Fimifish Aphyosemion australe: Beauty and Liveliness in the Aquarium

Killi Aphyosemion australe: Beauty and Vivacity at the Aquarium

Water Type: Killis Aphyosemion australe prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Keep the water hardness in the range of 5-12 dH.

Temperature: To recreate its natural habitat, it maintains the water temperature between 22 °C and 26 °C. They are adaptable to seasonal variations.

Aquarium Size: An aquarium of at least 20 liters is suitable for a couple. It provides hideouts and swimming areas.

Care: These Killis are carnivores. Provide them with a varied diet that includes dry and live foods. Make sure you have a lid, as they are good jumpers.

Possible Diseases: Monitor water quality to prevent diseases. They are resistant, but sudden changes can affect their health.

Colors and Varieties: Males are especially showy, with attractive colors and unique patterns. Females are more discreet but equally charming.

History and Origin: Native to West Africa, they are found in slow-water areas such as temporary ponds and streams.


  1. Spawning Habits: Killis are known for their peculiar spawning method, laying eggs on the substrate.
  2. Short Life: Its life cycle is relatively short, but its beauty and behavior are worth it.

Weight and Size: They reach sizes of up to 5 centimeters. Their active behavior and beautiful colors make them a charming addition for specialized aquariums.

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