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Bearded Odessa (Puntius padamya): Beauty and Aquatic Vitality

Bearded Odessa (Puntius padamya): Beauty and Aquatic Vitality

Bearded Odessa (Puntius padamya): Beauty and Aquatic Vitality

Water Type: Odessa Barbuds thrive in tropical and temperate waters. Maintain a pH between 6.5 and 7.5 and moderate hardness. Clean and filtered water is essential for your well-being.

Temperature: Maintain a temperature in the aquarium between 20 °C and 26 °C to replicate its natural environment and promote its vitality.

Aquarium Size: For a small community, an aquarium of at least 75 liters is suitable. It provides hideouts and free swimming areas to ensure their well-being.

Care: It offers a varied diet that includes high-quality flakes, pellets and live or frozen foods such as mosquito larvae and daphnias. Maintain the water quality with regular changes and a good filtration system.

Possible Diseases: It monitors possible diseases such as fungal and parasite infections. A clean environment and healthy eating habits are preventive.

Colors and Varieties: Odessa Barbudos are known for their vibrant colors, which include shades of red, orange and green on their fins. Males often exhibit more intense colors.

History and Origin: Native to Southeast Asia, these fish are native to Myanmar. Its attractive appearance has led to its popularity in aquariums around the world.


  1. Sociable Behavior: They are social fish that enjoy the company of their own species. Keeping them in small groups will promote their well-being.
  2. Courtship Ritual: Males can perform color displays during courtship to attract females.

Weight and Size: Odessa Barbuds reach sizes of about 5 to 7 centimeters as adults. Their compact size and bright colors make them a charming addition for community aquariums.

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