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Fish Disks Turquoise (Symphysodon spp.): Elegance in Aquatic Movement

Fish Disks Turquoise (Symphysodon spp.): Elegance in Aquatic Movement

Fish Disks Turquoise (Symphysodon spp.): Elegance in Aquatic Movement

Water Type: The Turquoise Discs, belonging to the genus Symphysodon, thrive in mild, acidic waters. Maintain a pH of 6.0 to 7.0 and a hardness between 1 and 5 dH. Water must be clean and free of pollutants.

Temperature: These fish prefer warm waters, with a temperature ranging between 28 °C and 32 °C. A reliable heater is essential to maintain these conditions.

Aquarium Size: Due to its active nature and adult size up to 20 centimeters, an aquarium of at least 200 liters is recommended to provide enough space for swimming and exploring.

Care: Turquoise Discs require a balanced diet of quality foods, including scales, pellets, and frozen foods such as mosquito larvae and artemia. Maintaining water quality and making regular changes are vital.

Possible Diseases: It monitors common diseases such as infections by parasites and fungi. A clean environment and proper nutrition help prevent health problems.

Colors and Varieties: The Turquoise Discs exhibit a beautiful blue-green coloration that gives them their name. Variation in color pattern and intensity is common among individuals.

History and Origin: Native to the Amazon River basin in South America, the Turquoise Discs are descendants of wild populations and have been selectively bred to bring out their vibrant colors.


  1. Social Behavior: They are known for their social behavior and can form strong bonds with their owners.
  2. Intriguing Courtship: During the courtship, the Turquoise Records perform a fascinating dance to attract their partners.

Weight and Size: Turquoise Discs can reach a diameter of up to 20 centimeters when they are adults. Their slim, circular body, combined with their vibrant colors, makes them a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts.

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