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Sumatran Barbet (Barbus sumatrae): Exploring a Water Treasure

Sumatran Barbet (Barbus sumatrae): Exploring a Water Treasure

Sumatran Barbet (Barbus sumatrae): Exploring a Water Treasure

Water Type: The Sumatran Barbet, native to Indonesia, is a freshwater fish. It prefers slightly acidic to neutral waters with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. The water temperature should be kept between 22°C and 26°C to keep them in ideal conditions.

Aquarium Size: To keep Sumatran Barbets, an aquarium of at least 60 liters is recommended. They like to have space to swim and explore. A well-planted environment with shaded areas and shelters is beneficial.


  1. Diet: They are omnivores and accept flake foods, pellets, and live or frozen foods. They benefit from a varied diet that includes protein and vegetables.

  2. Behavior and Compatibility: Sumatran Barbets are generally peaceful, but it is best to avoid coexistence with small fish that may appear to be prey. Keeping them in groups of at least six individuals promotes natural behavior.

Possible Diseases:

  1. Common Diseases: As with many aquarium fish, they can be susceptible to diseases such as Ich (White Spot) and water quality issues. Maintaining a clean and well-maintained environment is key.

  2. Parasites and Fungi: Regularly inspecting fish for signs of parasites, fungi, or other diseases is essential for preventative care.

Colors and Distinguishing Features:

  1. Distinctive Beards: Their name comes from the distinctive beards that protrude from their mouths. These beards add a unique and distinctive touch to your appearance.

  2. Variable Coloration: They have varying coloration, but generally have shades of green and gold on their body, creating visual appeal in the aquarium.

History and Origin: Sumatran Barbets are native to the freshwaters of Indonesia, specifically on the island of Sumatra. They were introduced to the world of aquariums because of their beauty and interesting behavior.

Fascinating Curiosities:

  1. Sensitive Beards: Beards that protrude from their mouths not only add to their appearance, but are also sensitive and help them detect food and explore their surroundings.

  2. Playful Behavior: They are known for their active and playful behavior. They can enjoy games and exploration, which adds dynamism to the aquarium.

Approximate Size and Weight: Sumatran Barbets are small fish, usually ranging in size from 5 to 7 centimeters. Its weight is light compared to larger species.

Reproduction: Breeding in captivity can be challenging and is usually accomplished in dedicated aquariums with specific conditions. Spawning areas and a nutritious diet are needed to encourage reproductive behavior.

Contributing to Aquarium Life: With their attractive coloration and active behavior, Sumatran Barbets are a lovely addition to community aquariums. Providing them with an environment that reflects their natural habitat and meeting their care requirements will ensure their well-being and their vital role in the aquarium ecosystem.

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