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Chameleon Pygmy (Brookesia spp.) Guia

Chameleon Pygmy (Brookesia spp.) Guia

Pygmy Chameleon (Brookesia spp.):

History and Distribution: Pygmy chameleons, belonging to the genus Brookesia, are native to Madagascar and some nearby areas of Africa. These small reptiles are found in a variety of habitats, from humid forests to drier areas.

Physical Description:

  • They are known for their diminutive size, being some of the smallest chameleons in the world.
  • Species within the genus Brookesia are usually between 2 and 10 centimeters long.
  • They have laterally compressed bodies and short tails.

Behavior and Habits:

  • Like other chameleons, they are arboreal and spend most of their time in low bushes and branches.
  • They have the ability to change color, although their color range can be more limited compared to larger chameleons.


  • Their diet consists mainly of small insects, such as ants and termites.
  • Due to their size, prey is proportionally smaller compared to other chameleons.

Reproduction and Parenting:

  • Breeding involves a courtship process where males may exhibit bright colors.
  • Females lay eggs in leaf litter or in crevices in bark, and incubation time can vary.

Care as a Pet:

  • Terrarium: They need a terrarium with plants and branches to climb on, with hiding places and shaded areas.
  • Temperature: They require a daytime temperature range of 22-26°C and a drop at night.
  • Lighting: UVB light is beneficial to your health.
  • Hydration: Regular spraying of the terrarium helps maintain moisture.


  • The coloration of these chameleons can vary and adapt to their environment, providing effective camouflage.
  • Their small size and particular appearance make them fascinating species for those interested in herpetology.

Colors and Variations:

  • Coloration can include shades of brown, green, and gray.
  • Despite their small size, some can exhibit striking patterns and details.

In summary, pygmy chameleons of the genus Brookesia are fascinating for their diminutive size and their adaptation to various habitats in Madagascar. For those interested in keeping them as pets, it is crucial to provide them with a suitable environment specific to their particular needs. Pygmy Chameleon (Brookesia spp.)

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