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Chameleon of Meller (Chamaeleo melleri) Guia

Chameleon of Meller (Chamaeleo melleri) Guia

Chameleon of Meller (Chamaeleo melleri):

History and Distribution: The Meller chameleon (Chamaeleo melleri) is native to the mountainous regions of East Africa. It is found in countries such as Tanzania, Kenya and Zambia, inhabiting forested and mountain areas.

Physical Description:

  • It is one of the largest chameleons, being able to reach lengths of up to 60 centimeters.
  • It features a prominent cephalic crest and horns on the head, features more noticeable in males.
  • The coloration ranges from green to yellow or orange, with patterns and spots.

Behavior and Habits:

  • It is arboreal and prefers to live in forested and mountainous areas.
  • It has large, mobile eyes that allow it to observe its surroundings and detect prey.
  • You can change color to camouflage yourself and express emotions.


  • Its diet consists mainly of insects, such as crickets, lobsters and beetles.
  • Meller's chameleons can also consume small vertebrates, such as lizards and birds.

Reproduction and Parenting:

  • Reproduction involves a courtship process, where males exhibit bright colors and perform specific movements.
  • Females lay eggs in nests dug into the earth or among vegetation.
  • Incubation can last for several months and depends on the temperature.

Care as a Pet:

  • Terrarium: They need a broad terrarium with branches and plants to climb.
  • Temperature: They require a daytime temperature range of 25-30 °C and a cooler area at night.
  • Lighting: UVB light is essential for your health.
  • Hydration: They need regular spraying and access to fresh water.


  • Cephalic horns and ridges are more prominent in males and play an important role in mating and territoriality rituals.
  • They are able to move their eyes independently, providing them with a wide field of vision.
  • They can change color quickly and sharply, especially in stressful situations or during social interaction.

Colors and Variations:

  • Coloring can range from shades of green to yellow or orange, with patterns and spots helping in camouflage.
  • Males often exhibit more vibrant colors and more elaborate patterns during the mating season.

In short, Meller's chameleon is an impressive species that requires specialized care. As pets, they need an environment that closely replicates their natural habitat and a proper diet. Detailed research and dedication are key to providing them with the right conditions and ensuring their well-being.

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