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Roborovski's Jerbo (Phodopus roborovskii)

Roborovski's Jerbo (Phodopus roborovskii)

Roborovski's Jerbo (Phodopus roborovskii):

History and Distribution: Roborovski gerbil is native to the steppes of Mongolia, China and Russia. Its name honors the Russian explorer Roborovski, who contributed to the discovery and study of this species. They were introduced to the companion animal realm in the 1960 s.

Physical Description: Roborovski gerbils are the smallest and lightest gerbils among species commonly kept as pets. They have dense, soft, sandy fur that varies in colors, usually with shades of brown and beige. Its legs are short and have a short, hairy tail. They have big dark eyes and rounded ears.

Behavior and Habits: They are social animals and it is recommended to keep them in pairs or groups. They are fast, active creatures, often involved in behaviors like running, jumping and digging. They are most active during the night and sunset.

Diet: The diet of Roborovski gerbils includes seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables. They also enjoy insects as part of their diet.

Reproduction and Parenting: Reproduction of Roborovski gerbils is rapid and can occur in captivity. Females can have litters of up to six young. The gestation period is approximately 20 days. The young are altricipal at birth and require initial maternal care.

Care as a Pet:

  • Cage:
    • They need cages with space to run and play. Cages with exercise levels and wheels are beneficial.
  • Substrate:
    • It uses a safe and absorbent substrate, such as pressed paper or dust-free wood shavings.
  • Power supply:
    • Provide them with a balanced diet that includes a mixture of seeds, fresh food and protein.
  • Toys and Enrichment:
    • Provide them with toys, exercise wheels and tunnels to keep them stimulated and active.


  • They are known to be good jumpers and diggers.
  • Unlike some other gerbils species, Roborovskis are less prone to turf fights and can live in large groups.

Colors and Variations: The typical color of its coat is a sandy shade that can vary in intensity. They may have unique facial patterns that help differentiate individuals.

In short, Roborovski gerbils are popular pets because of their adorable size and playful, active behavior. As with any pet, it is crucial to provide them with a suitable environment and appropriate care to ensure their well-being and happiness.

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