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Jerbo de Mongolia (Meriones unguiculatus)

Jerbo de Mongolia (Meriones unguiculatus)

Mongolian Jerbo (Meriones unguiculatus):

History and Distribution: Mongolian gerbil, also known as pygmy gerbil or Mongolian dwarf gerbil, is native to China and Mongolia. These small rodents belong to the Dipodidae family and have become popular as pets in some places around the world.

Physical Description: Mongolian gerbils are small rodents with large eyes, ears and hind legs adapted for jumping. They have a long, hairy tail, and their fur is usually beige or gray, providing them with camouflage in their natural habitat. They have pads on their hind legs that allow them to jump and land gently.

Behavior and Habits: Gerbils are social creatures and are often found in groups in the wild. They are diurnal animals and are most active during the day. In addition to digging burrows in the sand to rest, they also enjoy jumping and running for food.

Diet: The diet of Mongolian gerbils consists mainly of seeds, grains and vegetables. They are known for storing food in their burrows to be consumed later.

Reproduction and Parenting: Reproduction of Mongolian gerbils can occur quickly, and females can have numerous litters. The gestation period is relatively short, and the young are altricious at birth, which means that they are born blind and depend on the mother for their care.

Care as a Pet: If you consider having a Mongolian gerbil as a pet, it is important to provide an enriched environment with space for digging and digging. A balanced diet should be provided, and it is advisable to have at least two gerbils together to meet your need for social interaction.


  • Mongolian gerbils are known for their ability to jump surprising distances in the wild.
  • They have odoriferous glands in their legs that they use to mark their territory.

Colors and Variations: The fur of Mongolian gerbils is usually beige or gray, providing them with camouflage in their natural environment. They may have additional markings, such as dark lines on the back.

In short, Mongolian gerbils are charming little rodents known for their active and social behavior. While they have become popular as pets, it is essential to provide them with an environment that meets their natural needs and to provide them with company that is right for their emotional well-being.

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