Scottish Terrier: Elegance and Fortress
Information, Size & Weight:
- The Scottish Terrier, also known as the Scottish Terrier, is a small to medium-sized breed. Its height is around 10 inches (25 cm) and its weight varies between 18 and 22 pounds (8-10 kg).
- This terrier is characterized by its courageous attitude, loyalty and determination. Despite his size, he possesses a strong and bold personality.
- It has a distinctive appearance with its strong head, elongated muzzle and pointed ears. Its fur is dense, rough and can be black, wheat or toast.
Purchase Price in Euros:
- The price of a Scottish Terrier can range between 800 and 1,500 euros, depending on factors such as the bloodline, the quality of the puppy and the reputation of the breeder.
Is it a dangerous breed?:
- It is not considered a dangerous breed. Their friendly behavior and moderate size make them suitable for coexistence in family environments.
Puppy Care:
- It requires early socialization and consistent training. Your coat should be brushed regularly to avoid tangling.
How It's With Children:
- You tend to get along with children, but the interaction should be monitored. Its terrier nature can make it a little reserved.
Do you know how long he lives?:
- The life expectancy of the Scottish Terrier is 11 to 13 years, although some may live longer with proper care.
Necessary Care:
- Requires moderate daily exercise. In addition to regular brushing, it is important to take care of your teeth and nails to maintain your general health.
Health Issues:
- Some health concerns include dermatological problems, eye diseases and hip dysplasia. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential.
Origin and History of the Race:
- Originally from Scotland, the Scottish Terrier has been popularized for its involvement in royalty and its emergence in pop culture. He is known for his bravery and as a symbol of the Scottish nation.