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Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

Golden Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus): Discovering the Fascinating World of These Little Companions

Origin and History: The golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) has its roots in the Middle East, specifically in regions such as Syria, Turkey and northern Israel. Their domestication process began in the 1930 s, and since then, these charming rodents have become popular pets around the world.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Size and Weight: With modest dimensions, these hamsters usually measure between 12 and 17 centimeters and weigh between 100 and 150 grams.
  • Fur: They exhibit short, soft fur that encompasses hues ranging from golden to brown to gray. Some variants feature satin fur with a characteristic sheen.
  • Colors: In addition to the classic golden tone, there are various color variations, including white, black, cinnamon and other attractive patterns.

Care and Environment:

  • Spacious Cage: It is recommended to provide a sufficiently spacious cage, with bars for ventilation and space to place toys. The substrate must be safe to dig and ggle.
  • Balanced Food: A balanced diet consists of specific pellets for hamsters, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. They also enjoy seeds, nuts and lean proteins.
  • Exercise Wheel: The inclusion of an exercise wheel is essential to allow hamsters to burn energy and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Toys and Escondites: They love to dig, so providing digging material and gnawing toys provides mental and physical stimulation.

Reproduction and Breeding:

  • Gestation: The gestation of a female lasts about 16 days, and a litter can range from 6 to 12 young, although some litters may be larger.
  • Independence: Young hamsters are weaned around three weeks and must be separated from the mother to avoid additional litters.

Behavior and Socialization:

  • Night: They are nocturnal animals, being more active at night. Respecting your daytime sleep patterns is crucial to your well-being.
  • Lonely: Unlike some rodents, golden hamsters are solitary animals and must be housed individually.
  • Domestication: Patiently and carefully, hamsters can get used to human manipulation, although some may prefer their own company.


  • Food Storage Bags: In the wild, hamsters collect food and store it in bags on their cheeks to take back to their burrows.
  • Extensible cheeks: Their cheeks are elastic and can expand them to carry food or material for the nest.

Health and Longevity:

  • Average Life: The life expectancy of a golden hamster is 2-3 years, although some may live longer with proper care.
  • Visits to the Veterinarian: It is important to schedule regular veterinary check-ups and watch for signs of illness to maintain your optimal health.

Contributing to the Happiness of the Hamster: Creating an environment enriched with toys, hiding places and a balanced diet contributes significantly to the well-being of these adorable rodents. Observation and respect for its nocturnal nature will help to establish a strong and healthy bond between the golden hamster and its owner.

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