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Korat Cat: Silver Treasure from the Land of Siam.

Korat Cat: Silver Treasure from the Land of Siam.

Korat Cat: Silver Treasure of the Land of Siam.

  1. History of the breed: The Korat Cat is an ancient breed of cat believed to have its roots in Thailand, ancient Siam. Its history goes back centuries, and the breed has been appreciated for its elegance and grace. In Thailand, the Korats were regarded as symbols of good luck and were given away as gifts to express good wishes. The breed was introduced to the West in the 1950 s and has gained admirers for its beauty and charismatic personality.

  2. Character of cats: The Korats are known for their affectionate and devoted nature. They are loyal cats that develop strong bonds with their owners and enjoy human company. Although they may be shy of strangers at first, they tend to open up quickly and show their affection. They are playful and active, making them ideal for homes that provide them opportunities for play and mental stimulation. In addition, they are known for expressing their emotions through their body language, including the famous "love mew" characteristic of the race.

  3. How they are: Korat cats have a distinctive appearance with their short, dense blue-silver coat. Their bodies are muscular and well proportioned, with legs and tail of moderate length. They have wedge-shaped heads with large green eyes that stand out in contrast to their silver fur. The most distinctive feature is its short, soft mantle which is presented in a uniform, bright shade, creating a silver look that gives the cat a special glow.

  4. How to care: The care of the Korat Cat is relatively simple. Their short fur does not require extensive brushing, but occasional soft brushing will help keep your fur in good condition and reduce hair loss. Due to its active nature, providing toys and opportunities for exercise is essential. Human interaction is vital to your emotional well-being, so spending daily time to play and caress will contribute to your happiness. Ensuring a balanced diet and regular veterinary checkups will ensure the long-term health of these silver tesouros coming from the land of Siam.

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