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Peruvian Cobaya Guia

Peruvian Cobaya Guia

Peruvian Cobaya: Discovering the Beauty of a Unique Breed

Origin and History: The Peruvian guinea pig, also known as the long-haired guinea pig, is native to the Andes, in South America. These charming pets have been selectively bred to develop their distinctive long, silky fur. They were domesticated by Andean cultures centuries ago and have gained popularity around the world as adorable companions.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Special Fur: The most distinctive feature of the Peruvian guinea pig is its long, silky fur, which can grow to the ground.
  • Various Colors: They come in a wide range of colors and patterns, including white, black, cream, agouti and tricolor.

Care and Environment:

  • Daily Toilet: Given the length of their fur, they require daily brushing to prevent tangles and mats.
  • Balanced Diet: A diet rich in quality hay, specific pellets for guinea pigs and a variety of fresh vegetables is essential.
  • Spacious Cage: Provide them with a spacious environment with hiding places, toys and areas to explore.

Reproduction and Breeding:

  • Gestation: The gestation period of a Peruvian guinea pig is around 59-72 days.
  • Small litters: Litters usually consist of 2 to 4 pups.
  • Maternal Care: Mothers are attentive and careful, and young are relatively fast independent.

Behavior and Socialization:

  • Sociability: They are social animals and benefit from the company of other guinea pigs.
  • Game and Exploration: They like to play and explore their environment, so it provides toys and environmental enrichment.
  • Vocalization: They can make a variety of sounds, such as squeals of emotion or purrs of content.


  • Personality Playful: Despite their elegant look, Peruvian guinea pigs are playful and enjoy the interaction.
  • Unique qualities: Their long fur and majestic appearance make them stand out among other breeds of guinea pigs.

Health and Longevity:

  • Fur Problems: Given their long coat, they can be prone to skin problems if not properly cared for.
  • Longevity: With appropriate care, they can live between 5 and 7 years.

Contributing to their Happiness: Give them a balanced diet, daily attention, time to play and explore, and a clean environment. Love and care are essential to your well-being.

Peruvian guinea pigs are not only known for their impressive fur, but also for their affectionate and playful nature. Making them part of your family means committing to provide them with a happy and healthy life, full of love and care.

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