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Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) Guide

Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) Guide

Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris):

History and Distribution: The red squirrel, scientifically known as Sciurus vulgaris, is native to Europe and Asia, and is one of the most common squirrel species on these continents. It has adapted to a variety of habitats, from forests to urban parks.

Physical Description: The red squirrel is smaller compared to the gray squirrel. Its coat ranges from a bright red to duller tones, and often has an orange hue on the underside. Like other squirrels, they have large ears and a hairy tail, which can help them balance as they climb and jump.

Behavior and Habits: Red squirrels are diurnal animals and are known for their agility and speed. They prefer to inhabit wooded areas and are excellent climber. Like gray squirrels, they are social creatures and often live in colonies.

Diet: The red squirrel diet consists mainly of nuts, seeds, fruits, shoots, fungi and insects. They can also consume tree bark and have storage behavior similar to gray squirrels, burying or hiding food to consume later.

Reproduction and Parenting: The breeding season usually occurs in the spring and in summer. Females give birth to litters of two to six young after a gestation period of approximately 38 to 39 days. The young are born blind and hairless, and depend on the mother for the first few weeks of life.

Care in Captivity: As with the gray squirrel, the red squirrel is not a recommended pet for most people. In many places, keeping red squirrels as pets can be illegal, as they are wild animals and have specific needs that are difficult to satisfy in captivity. If they are in urban environments, it is preferable to leave them in their natural habitat.


  • Red squirrels are known for their ability to jump great distances between trees.
  • Unlike some other squirrel species, red squirrels are more shy and can be more difficult to observe closely.

Colors and Variations: As its name suggests, the red squirrel has a predominantly red coat, but the intensity of the color may vary. Some individuals may have a lighter or darker hue, and color variations may occasionally be observed.

In short, the red squirrel is a charming and active species that is an important part of forest ecosystems in Europe and Asia. Her role as seed dispersers and playful behavior make her fascinating to observe in the wild. However, due to their wild nature, it is essential to respect their natural habitat and not try to domesticate them as pets. Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

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