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Rata Dumbo (Rattus norvegicus) Guia

Rata Dumbo (Rattus norvegicus) Guia

Rata Dumbo (Rattus norvegicus):

History and Distribution: The dumbo rat, scientifically known as Rattus norvegicus, is a species of rat that originated in Asia, but has spread throughout the world due to human activity. Its global distribution has led to it being known as the Norway rat or brown rat. The name "Dumbo" refers to its large, rounded ears, which resemble the ears of the Disney character, Dumbo.

Physical Description: Dumbo rats are medium-sized rodents with soft fur and large, rounded ears. They are characterized by having ears located on the sides of the head, as opposed to the ears more on top that other rat species have. They can have a variety of colors and patterns in their coat, including gray, brown, black, and white.

Behavior and Habits: They are social animals and it is recommended to keep them in pairs or groups to prevent loneliness. Dumbo rats are intelligent, curious, and adaptable. They are active at night and crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk.

Diet: Dumbo rats are omnivores and eat a variety of foods, including seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, and processed foods. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet to ensure their health.

Reproduction and Breeding: Rats are known for their ability to reproduce quickly. Gestation lasts approximately 21-23 days and they can have litters of 6 to 12 pups. The pups are altricial at birth and are completely dependent on the mother for food and care.

Care as a Pet:

  • Cage: Provide a large enough cage with platforms, toys, and places to hide.
  • Diet: Offer a balanced diet that includes rat pellets, fruits, vegetables, and protein.
  • Enrichment: Provide toys, exercise wheels, and playtime outside the cage.
  • Veterinarian: It is important to have access to a veterinarian who specializes in small and exotic animals.


  • The name "Dumbo" is due to the resemblance of his ears to those of the Disney character, Dumbo.
  • They are popular pets due to their playful nature and ability to form bonds with their owners.

Colors and Variations: Dumbo rats can have a variety of coat colors, patterns, and textures. Breeders have developed selective lines that include solid colors, Siamese, hooded, and many more.

In short, dumbo rats are affectionate and playful pets that have gained popularity as companions to small animals. With proper care, these rats can live a happy and healthy life in captivity. Rata Dumbo (Rattus norvegicus)

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