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Chinese Tetra Neon (Tanichthys albonubes): Subtle Beauty in your Aquarium

Chinese Tetra Neon (Tanichthys albonubes): Subtle Beauty in your Aquarium

Chinese Tetra Neon (Tanichthys albonubes): Subtle Beauty in your Aquarium

Water Type: Tetra Neon Chino comes from fresh waters in China, preferring a pH between 6.0 and 8.0. Adaptable to various conditions, but prefers slightly acidic water.

Temperature: Keep the water temperature between 18-26 °C, providing a warm and stable environment for this tetra.

Aquarium Size: We recommend an aquarium of at least 40 liters for a small community. Add plants and hiding places to recreate their natural habitat.

Care and Behavior: Tetra Neon Chino is peaceful and gets along well with other non-aggressive species. Being a shoal, keep at least 6 individuals. Provides a varied diet.

Possible Diseases: Monitor the health of Tetra Neon Chino to avoid common diseases in tropical fish. Maintain optimal water conditions.

Colors and Varieties: This tetra features silver tones with a distinctive lateral line and a red adipose fin. Its subtle beauty adds a lovely touch to the aquarium.

History and Origin: Discovered in 1932 in China, the Tetra Neon Chino has gained popularity for its attractive appearance and quiet nature.


  1. Small and Active: Although small, this tetra is active and agile, often exploring the entire aquarium.
  2. Reproduction: They are egg spawning and breeding can occur in well-established aquariums with plants.

Weight and Size: The Tetra Neon Chino reaches a length of about 3-4 centimeters and has no significant weight. Its compact charm makes it a popular choice for community aquariums.

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