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Tetra Ember (Hyphessobrycon amandae): Flames of Color in the Aquarium

Tetra Ember (Hyphessobrycon amandae): Flames of Color in the Aquarium

Tetra Ember (Hyphessobrycon amandae): Colored Flames in the Aquarium

Water Type: Native to Brazil, Tetra Ember prefers mild to moderately hard water with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0. It adapts well to various water conditions.

Temperature: The ideal temperature for Tetra Ember is 23-28°C.

Aquarium Size: For a group of Ember Tetras, an aquarium of at least 38 liters is suitable. They like to swim in groups, so provide plenty of space and hiding places.

Care and Behavior: They are peaceful and active fish. They feed on dry, live food. Keep the water clean and well oxygenated to ensure their well-being.

Reproduction: Breeding in captivity is possible. The Tetra Ember is a free spawner, and breeding can occur with suitable conditions and fine plants.

Possible Diseases: They are generally resistant, but can be affected by common diseases such as ichthyosis and bacterial infections. Maintain good water maintenance.

Sexual Dimorphism: Sexual dimorphism in the Ember Tetras is not very evident. Both sexes share similar colors and patterns.

Colors and Varieties: Ember Tetras are known for their deep red coloration that resembles a flame, hence their name. They have transparent fins and prominent eyes.

History and Origin: Originating from the Araguaia River basin in Brazil, Ember Tetras have gained popularity in the world of aquarists due to their striking color and lively behavior.

Adaptability and Popularity: They are suitable for community aquariums and are ideal for beginner aquarists due to their hardiness and easy care.


  1. Social Behavior: Tetras Ember are shoal fish and feel most comfortable and confident when in a group.
  2. Intense Coloration: Their deep red color is further intensified when they are in the presence of shoal mates.

Weight and Size: Tetras Ember are small fish, reaching approximately 2–3 cm in length. Although its weight is light, its vibrant color adds a charming touch to the aquarium.

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