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Tetra del Hachis (Hemigrammus bleheri): Aquatic Elegance at the Aquarium

Tetra del Hachis (Hemigrammus bleheri): Aquatic Elegance at the Aquarium

Tetra del Hachis (Hemigrammus bleheri): Aquatic Elegance at the Aquarium

Water Type: Native to the Amazon River basin in South America, they prefer slightly acidic to neutral waters with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5.

Temperature: Keep your water temperature in the range of 23-28 °C to recreate the tropical conditions of your natural habitat.

Aquarium Size: An aquarium of at least 60 liters is suitable for maintaining a group of Tetras. Provide them places to hide and swim freely.

Care and Behavior: They are peaceful, sociable fish that thrive in groups. It introduces at least six individuals to feel safe and display their natural behavior.

Reproduction: Breeding in captivity is possible. Tetras are egg-laying and can lay their eggs on fine plants.

Possible Illnesses: Keep your water clean to prevent illness. They are susceptible to common diseases in fish, such as ich.

Sexual Dimorphism: Males are usually smaller and thinner, while females are slightly larger and rounder.

Colors and Varieties: Tetras Bleheri are known for their attractive colours, which include silver, blue and black hues on their bodies.

History and Origin: First described in the 1950 s, these tetras are found in the Amazonian rivers of South America.

Adaptability and Popularity: They are prized in community aquariums because of their moderate size, calm demeanor and bold colors.


  1. Bright Coloring: Tetras Bleheri exhibit bright coloration that intensifies when in company with others of their kind.
  2. Schooling: They are shoal fish and enjoy swimming in groups, which gives them security.

Weight and Size: These tetras generally reach sizes of 5-6 cm, standing out for their colors and their ability to enhance the beauty of any community aquarium.

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