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Butterflyfish (Pantodon buchholzi): Winged Elegance in the Aquarium

Butterflyfish (Pantodon buchholzi): Winged Elegance in the Aquarium

Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi): Ware Elegance at the Aquarium

Water Type: The Mariposa Fish is native to fresh waters in West Africa, preferring slightly acidic to neutral waters. A pH between 6.0 and 7.5 is suitable.

Temperature: The ideal temperature for Butterfly Fish ranges between 24-28 °C.

Aquarium Size: For a single Butterfly Fish, an aquarium of at least 76 liters is recommended. It provides open space on the surface so you can swim and floating plants.

Care and Behavior: They are predatory fish that feed mainly on insects and larvae. They can be shy and enjoy hiding in vegetation. They feed on live and frozen foods.

Reproduction: Captive breeding can be challenging. You'll need a suitable environment with floating egg-laying plants.

Possible Diseases: As with many fish, they can be susceptible to common diseases. Keep the water clean and monitor your health.

Sexual Dimorphism: It is difficult to distinguish between males and females visually, as both have similar colors and patterns.

Colors and Varieties: The Butterfly Fish is characterized by its extended pectoral fins, which resemble the wings of a butterfly. Its body is silver with dark spots and stripes.

History and Origin: Originating in river systems in West Africa, the Mariposa Fish has captured the attention of aquarists for its unique appearance.

Adaptability and Popularity: Although not as common as some other species, the Butterfly Fish is prized for its distinctive appearance and unique behavior.


  1. Adapted fins: Its adapted pectoral fins allow it to move over the surface of the water to catch prey.
  2. Butterfly Look: Its name comes from the shape of its fins, which resemble the wings of a butterfly.

Weight and Size: The Butterfly Fish is medium in size, usually reaching about 10 cm in length. Its weight is light, but its unique appearance makes it a treasure for fans of exotic fish.

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