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Altum Angel Fish (Pterophyllum altum): Majesty in Aquariums

Altum Angel Fish (Pterophyllum altum): Majesty in Aquariums

Altum Angel Fish (Pterophyllum altum): Majesty in Aquariums

Water Type: Angel Altum Fish require mild to moderately hard water with a slightly acidic pH, ideally between 6.0 and 7.0. Water quality is crucial, so make sure you keep it clean and well filtered.

Temperature: Keep the water temperature between 25 °C and 30 °C to recreate the tropical conditions of your natural habitat.

Aquarium Size: Due to their adult size, a spacious aquarium of at least 200 liters is recommended to provide them with enough space and allow them to swim comfortably.

Care: The Altum Angels are omnivorous. Provide them with a balanced diet that includes live food and quality flakes. Add vegetation and structures to hide.

Possible Diseases: They are susceptible to common diseases of tropical fish. Maintain a routine of water changes and see signs of disease for quick treatment.

Colors and Varieties: The Altum Angels are distinguished by their tall bodies and long, elegant flippers. Its coloration varies from silver to yellow and brown tones.

History and Origin: Native to South America, specifically the Orinoco River basin, the Altum Angels prefer deep and still water habitats.


  1. Social Behavior: Although peaceful, they can be territorial during breeding. Observe their behavior to avoid conflict.
  2. Parental Protection: Los Angeles Altum exhibit parental care, protecting their eggs and young.

Weight and Size: They reach an adult size of around 15 to 20 centimeters. Their impressive appearance and unique behavior make them a fascinating choice for advanced aquariums.

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