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Fighter Fish (Macropodus opercularis): Elegance in Water

Fighter Fish (Macropodus opercularis): Elegance in Water

Fighting Fish (Macropodus opercularis): Elegance in the Water

Water Type: Native to Asia, Wrestlerfish prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. They adapt well to different water conditions.

Temperature: The ideal temperature for Fighting Fish is 22-30°C.

Aquarium Size: An aquarium of at least 38 liters is suitable for a single Wrestlerfish. However, keep in mind that these fish can be territorial and might need more space if kept together.

Care and Behavior: They are colorful fish but can be aggressive towards each other, especially males. They feed on dry, live food. Provide places to hide.

Reproduction: Breeding in captivity is possible. The Fighting Fish build bubble nests, and the male takes care of the eggs and brood.

Possible Diseases: They are susceptible to common diseases such as ichthyosis and bacterial infections. Maintain good water maintenance and avoid sudden changes.

Sexual Dimorphism: Males tend to have longer fins and more vibrant colors, while females are slightly smaller and less colorful.

Colors and Varieties: There are several varieties of colors, from red and blue tones to more muted colors. The caudal fin of males is often longer and more colorful.

History and Origin: Native to Asia, Wrestlerfish have been selectively bred to exhibit a wide variety of spectacular colors and fins.

Adaptability and Popularity: They are popular fish in aquariums due to their attractive appearance and interesting behavior, but be aware of their territoriality.


  1. Siamese fighters: These fish are also known as "Siamese fighters" due to their territorial behavior, especially among males.
  2. Native Habitat: In the wild, they are found in rice paddies and slow-water areas in Asia.

Weight and Size: Wrestler Fish are medium-sized fish, reaching approximately 6–7 cm in length. Although their weight is light, their elegant appearance makes them stand out in community aquariums.

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