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Guppy Endler (Poecilia wingei): Elegance and Vitality in your Aquarium

Guppy Endler (Poecilia wingei): Elegance and Vitality in your Aquarium

Guppy Endler (Poecilia wingei): Elegance and Vitality in your Aquarium

Water Type: Guppy Endlers prefer slightly alkaline waters with a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. Maintain a moderate hardness to replicate your natural environment.

Temperature: Maintain a water temperature between 24 °C and 28 °C to keep these fish in optimal condition.

Aquarium Size: For a small group, an aquarium of at least 40 liters is suitable. Provides places to hide and swim freely.

Care: It offers a varied diet that includes quality scales, live foods and vegetables. The Guppy Endlers are omnivorous, so they need a balanced diet.

Possible Diseases: It monitors the presence of common diseases in aquarium fish, such as fungal infections and parasitic infections.

Colors and Varieties: The Guppy Endlers are known for their vibrant colors and attractive patterns, which vary by variety. You can find them in a wide range of colors, from solid tones to bold fin patterns.

History and Origin: Native to South America, the Guppy Endler are a smaller, more vibrant variant of the common Guppys.


  1. Sexual Dimorphism Pronounced: Males are smaller and more colorful than females, with more developed dorsal fins.
  2. Prolfic Reproduction: The Guppy Endlers are known for their active reproduction. Females give birth to live young, and can reproduce easily in aquariums.

Weight and Size: Guppy Endlers reach a length of about 2-3 centimeters as adults, with males generally smaller than females. Their vitality and bright colors make them a cheerful addition to any community aquarium.

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