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Ramirezi Dwarf Cichlid (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi): Elegance in Miniature

Ramirezi Dwarf Cichlid (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi): Elegance in Miniature

Ramirezi Dwarf Cichlid (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi): Miniature Elegance

Water Type: Native to the Orinoco River basins in Venezuela and Colombia, they prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. The ideal temperature is 26-30°C.

Aquarium Size: An aquarium of at least 76 liters is recommended for a pair of Ramirezi dwarf cichlids. It provides places to hide and plants to replicate their natural environment.

Care and Behavior: They are peaceful but territorial fish during breeding. They feed on dry, frozen or live food. Keep the water clean and well oxygenated.

Reproduction: Breeding in captivity is possible. Ramirezi dwarf cichlids are careful parents, but breeding requires specific conditions and suitable food.

Possible Diseases: They are susceptible to diseases such as ichthyosis and bacterial infections. Maintain good water maintenance to prevent health problems.

Sexual Dimorphism: Males are usually slightly larger and have more pointed dorsal fins and anal fins. Females may have more rounded fins.

Colors and Varieties: With vibrant colors that include shades of yellow, blue, and red, Ramirezi dwarf cichlids are known for their attractive coloration.

History and Origin: Introduced to the aquarist hobby in the 1940s, these cichlids come from the rivers of South America.

Adaptability and Popularity: Although they require specific care, their beauty and unique behavior make them a popular choice for experienced aquarists.


  1. Territoriality: Ramirezi dwarf cichlids can become territorial, especially during breeding.
  2. Natural Camouflage: Their intense coloration is often intensified during reproduction and territory defense.

Weight and Size: Ramirezi dwarf cichlids are small fish, reaching approximately 5–7 cm in length. Although their weight is light, their colorful presence makes them stand out in community aquariums.

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