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Botia Naranja (Botia histrionica): Playful Explorers of the Fund

Botia Naranja (Botia histrionica): Playful Explorers of the Fund

Botia Naranja (Botia histrionica): Playful Explorers of the Fund

Water Type: They prefer mild to moderately hard waters with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. Maintain good water quality for your well-being.

Temperature: The optimum temperature is in the range of 24 °C to 30 °C.

Aquarium Size: A large aquarium of at least 75 gallons recommended to allow them to move and provide them with hiding places.


  1. Power supply: They are omnivorous and accept dry, live food. They also appreciate food waste in the background.
  2. Hidden: Provide them hiding places like logs and caves, as they like to hide.
  3. Tank Companions: They prefer the company of others of their kind, so keep them in groups.

Possible Diseases: It monitors common diseases of aquarium fish. They are resilient, but sharp changes can stress them out.

Colors and Features:

  1. Orange Pattern: They have a distinctive orange color pattern with black markings all over the body.
  2. Playful Behavior: They are known for their active and playful behavior.

History and Origin: Native to Southeast Asia, they are found in regions such as Thailand and Malaysia.


  1. Snails Eaters: They are excellent for controlling the populations of snails in the aquarium.
  2. Fast Swimming: They are fast, active swimmers, especially when they feel safe in their surroundings.

Weight and Size: They can grow up to sizes close to 30 cm. Although it is not easy to determine their weight, they are considered medium to large-sized fish in aquariophilia.

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