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Betta (Betta splendens): Beauty in Motion

Betta (Betta splendens): Beauty in Motion

Betta (Betta splendens): Beauty in Motion

Water Type: Native to stagnant waters in Asia, bettas thrive in fresh water. They prefer a pH between 6.0 and 7.5 and a constant temperature of 24-28°C.

Aquarium Size: An aquarium of at least 5-10 liters is suitable, but more space is welcome. Be sure to provide hiding places and plants, as bettas enjoy an enriched environment.

Care and Behavior: Bettas are feisty fish, but they can coexist peacefully with other fish in community aquariums. They require a varied diet of pellets and live or frozen foods. Keep the water clean and make regular changes.

Reproduction: Bettas are bubblenesters; Males build bubble nests to receive the female's eggs. Successful breeding requires careful processing and separation of parents after breeding.

Possible Diseases: They are prone to diseases such as fin rot and bacterial infections. Watch for signs of discomfort and treat any illness immediately.

Sexual Dimorphism: Males are more colorful and have longer and more showy fins. Females are smaller and have less conspicuous fins.

Colors and Varieties: Bettas are known for their vibrant colors and splendid fins. There are varieties such as Halfmoon, Crowntail, and Plakat, each with distinctive characteristics.

History and Origin: Bettas are native to the rice fields of Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. They were selected and bred for their aggressiveness in fights, a practice that is discouraged today.

Adaptability and Popularity: The adaptability of bettas to different environments and their visual appeal have made them one of the most popular options in aquarium hobby.


  1. Labyrinths: Bettas have a labyrinth organ that allows them to take in oxygen directly from the air, allowing them to survive in waters with low oxygen levels.
  2. Mirror, Mirror: By holding up a mirror near a betta, you can observe its territorial and aggressive response as it perceives itself as a rival.

Weight and Size: Bettas are small fish, with males reaching approximately 6-7 cm and females being slightly smaller. Its weight is light, but its presence is majestic.

Bettas, with their elegance and distinctive character, are captivating choices for aquariums. By providing them with a suitable environment, you can enjoy the unique beauty of these vibrantly colored fish.

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