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Pink Barb (Puntius conchonius): Elegance in Pink

Pink Barb (Puntius conchonius): Elegance in Pink

Pink Barb (Puntius conchonius): Elegance in Pink

Water Type: These fish are native to Asia and prefer slightly acidic to neutral waters. A pH between 6.0 and 7.5 is suitable.

Temperature: Keep the water temperature between 22-28 °C to create a comfortable environment for the Barbo Rosado.

Aquarium Size: An aquarium of at least 75 liters is appropriate to maintain a group of these fish. They like to swim in groups.

Care and Behavior: The Barbo Rosado are peaceful and get along well with other species of similar size. Provide them enough hiding places and plants.

Reproduction: Breeding in captivity is possible. To stimulate reproduction, you can simulate the rainy season by lowering the water temperature and gradually increasing the temperature.

Possible Diseases: As with other fish, keep the water clean to prevent disease. Rosé Barbo may be prone to common conditions such as ich.

Sexual Dimorphism: Sexual dimorphism is subtle, but in the breeding season, females can be a little more rounded.

Colors and Varieties: These fish are known for their vibrant pink coloration with red and white fins. Males can develop more intense colors during the breeding season.

History and Origin: Originating in rivers and streams in Asia, the Rosado Barbo have long been prized in aquariums.

Adaptability and Popularity: They are popular in community aquariums because of their peaceful behavior and attractive colors.


  1. Color Changing: During the breeding season, the colors of the Rosé Barbo can intensify.
  2. Varied diet: They accept a variety of foods, including dry and live foods.

Weight and Size: These fish usually reach sizes of 5-7 cm. Its weight can vary, but its colorful presence adds vitality to aquariums.

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