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Gould's Diamond - Erythrura gouldiae: Feathered Jewel

Gould's Diamond - Erythrura gouldiae: Feathered Jewel

Gould Diamond-Erythrura gouldiae: Plumated Jewel

Gould's diamonds, represented by the Erythrura gouldiae species, are true feathered jewels that dazzle with their exquisite beauty and vibrant colors. Originally from Australia, these little parrots have conquered the hearts of bird lovers with their elegance and vitality.

Weight: Lightweight hovering around 15 grams, Gould's diamonds are small birds but full of charm.

Origin: Native to northern Australia, Gould's diamonds are found in habitats including grasslands and woodland.

History: Although their history is not intertwined with ancient legends, Gould's diamonds have been selectively bred for their colorful plumage since the 19th century.

Care: It provides a spacious cage with perches, a balanced diet of seeds, fruits and vegetables, and ensures your well-being with daily flight time and toys to stimulate your mind.

Possible Diseases: Gould's diamonds can face problems such as mites, digestive disorders and respiratory diseases. Regular veterinary checks are essential.

Size: With a length of approximately 14 cm, Gould's diamonds stand out for their compact size.

Colors: Its plumage dazzles with a color palette that includes red, green, yellow, blue and purple, creating a unique and spectacular combination.

Curiosities: Gould's diamonds are known for their social behavior and their ability to breed in colonies. In addition, his smooth singing adds a harmonious melody to his surroundings.

It creates an environment enriched with branches, toys and chew elements, and provides a balanced diet along with fresh water. For specific details about the health and care of your Gould diamond, consult a bird veterinarian.

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