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Oriental Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina)

Oriental Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina)

Oriental Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina):

History and Distribution: The eastern box turtle is native to North America and is found in a variety of areas, from southeastern Canada to northeastern Mexico. It inhabits a variety of environments, from forests to grasslands.

Physical Description: Eastern box turtles are medium-sized and have a box-shaped shell that can be closed completely for protection. They have short, stout legs, and their shells can vary in colors, including browns, greens, and yellows.

Behavior and Habits: They are terrestrial reptiles and are usually most active during daylight hours. They have the ability to completely close their shell as a defensive measure when they feel threatened.

Diet: They are omnivores and their diet includes a variety of foods such as insects, worms, snails, fruits, and vegetables. Diet can vary depending on age and geographic location.

Reproduction and Parenting: Reproduction usually occurs in spring. Females lay a small number of eggs in nests dug into the ground. The young are independent at birth and must take care of themselves.

Care as a Pet:

  • Terrarium: They need an enclosure with suitable substrate for digging and hiding.
  • Temperature: They require a thermal gradient with a heating area and a cooler area.
  • Lighting: UVB lighting is essential for the synthesis of vitamin D3.
  • Diet: A varied and balanced diet that reflects their omnivorous nature.


  • They have the unique ability to completely close their shell.
  • They are slow-lived animals and can live a long time, often exceeding 50 years.
  • They can hibernate in winter, entering a state of lethargy.

Colors and Variations: The color of the shell may vary by region and may include shades of brown, green, yellow, and black. Some have distinctive markings or patterns.

In short, Oriental box turtles are lovely reptiles and popular as pets. Their care requires attention to the specifics of their natural habitat to ensure their well-being and longevity. Before you get one as a pet, it's important to research and understand your specific needs.

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