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Veiled Chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus)

Veiled Chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus)

Veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus):

History and Distribution: The veiled chameleon is native to Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Its natural distribution is found in areas of mountains and dry forests. It is one of the most popular chameleon species as pets.

Physical Description:

  • Males are larger, reaching around 50-60 centimeters, while females are smaller.
  • They have a crest on the head and a "candle" on the back, features that give them their name.
  • Its coloration can vary, showing shades of green, yellow, blue and brown, adapting to its environment and its emotional state.

Behavior and Habits:

  • They are known for their slow movements and their ability to change color.
  • They spend most of their time in the highest part of the trees.
  • They are lonely and territorial.


  • Its diet consists mainly of insects, such as crickets, locusts and worms.
  • They require calcium supplements and other nutrients.

Reproduction and Parenting:

  • Reproduction involves a courtship phase where males exhibit vibrant colors.
  • Females lay their eggs in holes dug into the earth.
  • Incubation can last for several months, depending on the temperature.

Care as a Pet:

  • Terrarium: They need a spacious terrarium with branches and plants to climb.
  • Temperature: They require a daytime temperature range of 25-30 °C and a cooler area at night.
  • Lighting: UVB light is essential for your health.
  • Hydration: They need regular spraying and access to fresh water.


  • They can change color to regulate their temperature and express emotions.
  • Your eyes can move independently, providing 360-degree vision.
  • They are able to throw their tongue to catch prey at surprising distances.

Colors and Variations:

  • Colors may vary depending on your mood, health and environment.
  • Males tend to have more vibrant colors than females.

In short, the veiled chameleon is a fascinating species with unique camouflage abilities and a striking appearance. As pets, they require specialized care and an environment that closely replicates their natural habitat. Potential owners are advised to investigate thoroughly before acquiring one as they have specific needs and may require experienced handling. Veiled Chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus)

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